
Results of the experiment "Dreams & enhancing of skills"

These results may be of interest to people who want to improve their thinking and mastery of skills by 17% in a wide range of areas by taking 1 minute.

experiment dreams and enhancing skills


The most beautiful mind map software

Visibility is perhaps one of the most important qualities of a mind map for any purpose - for business, training or other project preparation. Here is a short overview of five tools that will enable you to create the most beautiful mind maps - clear, thoughtful and visually interesting. 


Mind map for Windows

Mental maps are gradually taking over the world. Many people use mind maps to make plans, develop projects, visualise ideas, record thoughts. There are online services and programmes for creating mind maps. The main thing is to choose the right one so that it is easy to work on the devices you need. And actually pick up a mind map software for Windows, if you use this operating system.


Comment ajouter des commentaires à une branche

Un utilisateur de IOctopus nous a donné une excellente idée : ajouter la possibilité de laisser des commentaires en texte long pour une branche. 

De cette façon, vous pouvez continuer à écrire des notes courtes de quelques mots dans les branches et votre carte mentale reste compacte et visuelle, tout en pouvant y ajouter beaucoup plus d'informations. 

👆 C'est important car les cartes mentales courtes sont plus faciles à retenir et à percevoir.

mind map text comments


How to brainstorm effectively

Brainstorming is when one or more people storm a problem/challenge/issue and throw ideas at it from all sides.

And even if the problem is huge - the Elephant-Problem - it cannot stand up to an army of ideas - mice, lemurs, pterodactyls, flying saucers, look, and even ants are here. Victory is assured if 1 condition is met...

mindmap brainstorm problem


Cartes mentales pour les entreprises

Le monde des affaires est fait de stratégie, de planification, de recherche d'options de développement possibles et de choix de la meilleure. Si vous avez besoin d'un outil clair et facile à utiliser, jetez un coup d'œil à la façon dont une carte mentale fonctionne dans les affaires.

business mind map


Visualising thoughts with mind maps tools

Even the most advanced Internet user cannot "digest" the amount of information that has to be put through on a daily basis. Mind map tools can help: this tool allows you to create a simple and clear graphical chart that quickly structures your data.


Connections between branches (done)

We seem to have a great relationship. Look, there's a new button at the top that makes the connections between branches.


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