
Mind Maps for Education: A Modern Learning Tool

Education mind maps are an effective tool for teachers, coaches, trainers, and their students seeking to systematize a large body of information into an understandable and easily digestible form. Mapping helps users create and share visual representations of lessons, programs, and research.

ioctopus mind map meme


From Idea to Book: How mind maps can help you write a novel

Most writers find it difficult to get started on an article, a post or a piece of fiction. How do you not get lost in confusing plots? How do you bring all the twists and turns together in the end without forgetting about the characters? Mind maps are a proven and practical creative method for organising information, plots and research, and for finding new and better ideas for your articles and books.


Drawing icons


Paw tool


Unobvious in IOctopus

When it makes sense, we break the design rule: "everything should be obvious in the interface". But what would be the point of that?


How to add a team?

On the Galaxy plan, you can add users to your team. They will have access to the advanced features of the plan. It will also make it easier to work on shared files. Similarly, a team can be added to the Galaxy Enterprise plan.


Icon drawing in mind maps

How can you visualise your thoughts even faster, easier and more relevant? Mind mapping is a visual technique and it is common to use icons and pictures for visibility. But even though there are 1001 icons in the base, it's not always possible to find a completely relevant icon. Also, the search for a good image on the Internet can spend hours. 

That's why, in order to make visualisation easier, so that you can express your thoughts quickly and even more accurately, we've added icon drawing to IOctopus.

drawing icon in mind map


¿Cómo pueden ayudar los mapas mentales a aumentar los beneficios de su empresa?

Echemos un vistazo. Por ejemplo, en un mapa mental es conveniente ver lo que tienes ahora y lo que quieres conseguir.

En este formato, puede ver inmediatamente las formas de moverse, los pros y los contras, los beneficios y los costes.


Cómo ayudan los mapas mentales a las personas con TDAH

El TDAH es un síndrome que comienza en la infancia y priva al niño de su capacidad de concentración y atención. Sólo el 30% aprende a controlar esta afección en la edad adulta. Por eso es tan importante encontrar y seleccionar la herramienta adecuada que ayude en los estudios, el trabajo y la vida personal a fijar y seguir sus objetivos y planificar acciones para alcanzarlos.


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